A new blog series
I'm setting a few goals for myself with this new personal webpage and blog. My primary goal is to reengage the academy after a few years working outside it.
Over the past few years, I moved to Saskatoon, helped found a think tank, wrote a couple of influential reports, and convinced a provincial government to adopt a poverty reduction strategy.
But none of these efforts count for much in the academic job market. Unfortunately, these practical efforts have come at the expense of all that really counts: peer-reviewed academic publications.
In the year to come I will be changing gears and getting back on the academic bandwagon. This means publications, but it especially means reengaging an academic audience.
What better way to begin to engage that audience than by reading and writing about what they have to say. In this new blog series, my first, my goal is to read and post regularly on current articles in my field.
Ideally, I'd like to read and comment on every issues of the American Sociological Review.
The cover of ASR. (Source)
I will also post on the American Journal of Sociology, the Canadian Journal of Sociology, and a handful of journal more specific to my subfield like the International Journal of Social Welfare and the Socioeconomic Review.
If all goes according to plan, I'll read a few journals a month, and should add to this series weekly.
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